Students particpating in MHM Bnei Mitzvah program, 2022

The Holckner Family Bnei Mitzvah program is designed to help those undergoing their Bnei Mitzvah find a meaningful connection with the Holocaust.


Program Details

Cost Free
Group size 20 max
Duration 90 mins
Year levels 6 to 8
Enquiry/Bookings simon.holloway@mhm.org.au or (03) 9528 1985



Program structure

While some Jewish people were able to practise their religion in secret during the war, many young people were forced to reject or hide their identity. This program explores the nature of hiding, and the ways people sought to maintain or deny their Jewishness.

Participants will engage with the experiences of Holocaust survivors and be inspired by their resilience. They will also discover how kindness from strangers changed the lives of many survivors.

This program:

  • Is delivered with sensitivity, in an age-appropriate manner
  • Emphasises the importance of being connected to one’s Jewish identity
  • Is led by our expert museum educators

This program is generously supported by the Holckner Family


  • Preparing for your visit

  • Child Safety Commitment

    At the MHM, we are committed to providing a child-safe environment. We support and respect all children and young people – and their safety and wellbeing are our priority.

    Our practices are inspired by Holocaust victim Henryk Goldszmit, who published the ‘Declaration of Children’s Rights’ in 1928 under the pen name Janusz Korczak.

    Learn more about our policy

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