Pedagogy Specialist Lisa Phillips conducting professional learning course.

The Melbourne Holocaust Museum has developed an 8-Step Teacher Professional Learning Program (TPL) for Educators to support Victorian schools and teachers in implementing mandated Holocaust education at Level 9 and 10. Please see details of the course outlined below.


Facilitate Holocaust education with confidence

Our 8-step program is designed to ensure you have the knowledge, pedagogy and confidence to teach the Holocaust meaningfully and safely. The program was developed with the generous support of Gandel Foundation, and the Department of Education, to ensure government school teachers can meet the mandatory Holocaust education requirements in Victoria.

Our TPL program:  

      • Includes e-learning materials to build your knowledge of the Holocaust.
      • Live workshops facilitated by Holocaust education experts focused on best pedagogical practices.
      • Planning session for your teaching team with one of our expert educators.


Program details  

Please note this program is currently being enhanced for 2024. Please check back for updated details in January.

Cost  Free for government schools; $150 per participant for independent schools
Group size  We encourage your entire humanities cohort to participate together, to get the most out of this program
Duration  One day 9:00 am – 3:30 pm to develop or redevelop Holocaust unit, or 3-hour session to enhance existing Holocaust unit


  • Book government schools - Full day/MHM

    Please book below for our full-day session held at MHM.

  • Book government school - 3-hour session/MHM

    Please book below for our 3-hour session held at MHM.

  • Book government school - Geelong

    Please book below for our full-day session held at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, Geelong.

  • Book government school - Ballarat

    Please book below for our full-day session held at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, Ballarat.

  • Book government school - Dunkeld

    Please book below for our full-day session held in Dunkeld.

  • Book government school - Bairnsdale

    Please book below for our full-day session held at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, Bairnsdale.

  • Book government school - Moe

    Please book below for our session held at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Moe.

  • Book government school - Shepparton

    Please book below for our session held at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. Shepparton.

It definitely has encouraged our teaching team to rethink how we teach the unit, particularly about the message we want to teach the students. If anything, I have learnt that there is so much to learn about the Holocaust and we have a tremendous opportunity to create a unit that is meaningful.

St Albans Secondary College teacher

The 8-Step program


Step 1: Getting to know your teaching team

An MHM educator will have a conversation with the appropriate senior curriculum leader, either the head of learning/humanities to ascertain the status of Holocaust curriculum in the school and the needs of the teaching team.


Step 2: Teaching the Holocaust rationale and meet a Holocaust survivor

During this live session we will look at the rationale of teaching the Holocaust and have the opportunity meet and learn from a Melbourne-based Holocaust survivor. This session will also include a Q&A session with our survivor. An outline of the course and the requirements will also be discussed.


Step 3: Using Holocaust resources on the FUSE website

In 2020, 13 expert educators created an online Holocaust resource on FUSE which includes, policy, guidance, resources and lesson plans. In this online, self-paced session you will learn how to navigate this site and see what a rich treasure trove this resource is for teaching the Holocaust.


Step 4: Holocaust Knowledge

During the development of the Holocaust education resources on FUSE, the team of expert educators identified key topics that teachers need to be familiar with before teaching the Holocaust. In this step, participants build their Holocaust knowledge by completing four of the below modules using self-paced e-learning modules.


Step 5: Holocaust pedagogical advice

This step will be a live session with an expert educator outlining pedagogical guidance to teaching the Holocaust in a safe, meaningful and effective manner. It will involve thinking about what messages we want students to take away from learning about the Holocaust and any questions that arose from Step 4.


Step 6: Engaging resources for effective learning

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the quantity of material available to teach the Holocaust. In this LIVE session, an expert Holocaust educator will highlight their top engaging resources, and why they would use them.


Step 7: Great ideas for the classroom

In this step, graduates from the Gandel Holocaust Studies Course for Australian Educators at Yad Vashem, have used their expertise and put into practice the pedagogical advice. In this e-learning module these teachers share excellent teaching ideas that they have implemented in their classrooms.


Step 8: Curriculum planning session

In this step we bring together all the learning from the teacher professional learning program to support implementation in your classrooms. Working with an expert Holocaust educator your teaching team will collaborate on the design of your Holocaust sequence as part of the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO). For some teaching teams this might be starting from scratch or refining an existing program.

Booking information

  • Changes, cancellations and no shows

    • Any cancellations or changes to numbers must be emailed to education@mhm.org.au before the confirmation date (14 days before your visit). If you fail to do so, you will be charged in full as per our terms and conditions. 
    • If your group fails to show up for a booked program, you will be charged in full. This will be invoiced to your institution on a strict 7-day payment term.  
    • The MHM may amend your booking, subject to availability.  
    • If a survivor is unavailable to speak in your program, we will offer recorded survivor testimony. 
  • Final confirmation date

    • You must confirm your final booking numbers at least 14 days before your scheduled visit.  
    • We’ll issue a tax invoice after your confirmation. This is payable within 7 days of the invoice date.  
  • Payment, billing, and terms and conditions

    • We’ll issue a tax invoice after your booking confirmation. This is payable within 7 days of the invoice date.  
    • If your group size on the day is more than the final confirmation number, we’ll make adjustments to the tax invoice. Adjustment invoices have a 7-day payment term.  
    • If your group size on the day is smaller than the final confirmation number, we are unable to give any deduction or refunds.  
    • A minimum of 5 participants is required for this session to run.
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