
Holocaust Education Course 2024

Event details
Date Time
01 May 2024 7:00 pm
End Time
26 Jun 2024 9:00 pm
Education Course
$360 or $270 for MHM Volunteers/Concession/Teacher
Melbourne Holocaust Museum
About this event

Please join us for our nine-week Holocaust Education Course.

This course, running over a series of consecutive weeks, spans the history of the Holocaust from the 19th century through to the liberation of the camps and return to life. Each evening will run from 7-9pm with coffee and tea provided.

The course will be facilitated by MHM Manager of Adult Education Dr Simon Holloway, Co-President Sue Hampel OAM with each evening dedicated to a particular theme.

If you have any further questions about the course, please contact simon.holloway@mhm.org.au for further information.

Please register in advance and secure a place.

Image | Prisoners head south on a Death March from Dachau concentration camp; Gruenwald, Germany, 29 April, 1945. Courtesy of Yad Vashem.

Dates and topics are as follows:

Week 1: The World that Was (Wednesday, 1 May)

Week 2: From the Cross to the Swastika (Wednesday, 8 May)

Week 3: The Rise and Fall of German Jewry and Austrian Jewry  (Wednesday, 15 May)

Week 4: Death and Life in the Nazi Ghettos (Wednesday, 22 May)

Week 5: Life Unworthy of Life: The Origins of the Final Solution (Wednesday, 29 May)

Week 6: The Concentration Camp Universe (Wednesday, 5 June)

Break – no course on the week of 12 June.

Week 7: By Any Means Available: Jewish Resistance (Wednesday, 19 June)

Week 8: Survey of Non-Jewish Responses (Wednesday, 24 June)

Week 9: Liberation and Return to Life (Wednesday 26, June)



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