
“The Words are Ascending”: Theological Responses to the Holocaust

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About this event

The Melbourne Holocaust Museum invites you to a theological lecture presented by Dr Simon Holloway (manager of adult education) exploring the question:

“Where was God in the Holocaust?”

Although this may be a question without an answer, it represents a serious theological problem.

If God is truly all-powerful, as Jewish theology claims, for what reason did the Holocaust occur? This session will make no attempt at answering this question, but it will seek provide a framework for understanding the answers that some people have given.

By considering Jewish responses to suffering throughout history, we will demonstrate the ways in which the Holocaust was unprecedented, and the reasons that traditional theological models do not fit. We will then consider the variety of ways in which Jewish people have responded to the problems of the Holocaust – both during the Holocaust itself, and over the decades since.

Book your tickets for this thought-provoking evening, below.

Painting by Samuel Bak, “Burning”. Oil on canvas, 1995. Courtesy of Israel Museum, Jerusalem

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