
For my sixth birthday we have a party just for me. My aunties and uncles and cousins are there and we all eat my favourite foods. Dad makes a special cake but the most exciting thing is my present. Aunt Chana gives me my own silver spoon and fork with my initials on them, P.G. They are the most beautiful things I own.


Every Thursday I go to the library and now I can’t go anymore. I’m so upset. It’s my favourite place. I asked the librarian to stamp my card so I could take my books home, just like I always do. She said I couldn’t take books out anymore or even come back to the library because I’m a Jew. She tore up my library card and put it in the bin. My eyes filled up with tears. I was so embarrassed.


I hear the police warning everyone not to be home tonight as they’ll be arresting all the women and children. Why would they arrest women and children?


The woman who looks after our building lets us hide in the cellar with the other Jewish families. We can hear the banging and footsteps of the raid. We’re so frightened. I hope Aunty Chana, and our cousins Maurice and Sarah are ok? I wish they didn’t go home and stayed with us instead.


Now we are too scared to leave our apartment at all.

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