
Volume 31 No. 2 – September 2009

February 2011

Magazine details
February 2011
About this magazine

In this issue:

  • From the President
  • Editors letter
  • Director’s Point of View
  • Continuing the survivors vision
  • Remembering the Centre’s Founders
  • Fabric Of The Future: Acknowledging out sponsors
  • O, Ye Summer of ’39
  • MHM – A Journey of Discovery
  • Spots Of Light: To be a woman in the Holocaust
  • Out Of The Dark: The emotional legacy of the Holocaust
  • Abhijit Chattaraj – Bringing a new vision to the centre
  • Museum upgrade state of play
  • Education
  • March Of The Living
  • Events
  • Volunteers
  • A Win-Win for AJAX Football Club and MHM
  • Bequests
  • Friends
  • Seen around the Centre
  • Collections
  • Obituary
  • Thanks
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