MHM memorial room. Designed by architect Stephen Jolson. Photographed by Simon Shiff.

The Melbourne Holocaust Museum (MHM) is proud to serve the public not only as a museum but as a dedicated memorial site for Victorian families with a connection to the Holocaust.

With this in mind, we are establishing a digital memorial for our community to honour their loved ones by eternalising their names for future generations. With the information provided, we are creating a Victorian Registry of Holocaust survivors, which will provide families with the opportunity to honour both those who were murdered during the Holocaust, and those who survived and have since passed away. 

The names provided to MHM will be displayed in our digital memorial. 

Our new memorial room, designed by Architect Stephen Jolson, will also display memorial-star plaques for families wishing to honour their loved ones with a physical tribute. These memorial stars will be available to the public by way of donation.

The memorial room will provide a place of quiet reflection on the experience of victims of the Holocaust. It will also act as a tangible illustration that, even as generations pass, we will never forget their names, and their voices will live on through the Melbourne community.

Jayne Josem, CEO
Memorial-star plaques

The MHM is providing the public the opportunity to memorialise loved ones murdered during the Holocaust or honour a Holocaust survivor who has passed away, with a memorial-star plaque within our dedicated memorial room.

These memorial stars are purposefully designed for those wishing to have a physical memorial for loved ones who were murdered in the Holocaust, or Holocaust survivors who have since passed away.


The memorial room will accommodate over 5,000 Star-of-David shaped stars, made out of steel. The memorial stars will be created in two different tones of bronze — one representing those who were murdered and one representing Holocaust survivors — allowing visitors to the memorial room a greater connection to the experiences of each individual name.

The memorial star will be engraved with the name of the honoured individual. A further short dedication will be placed in our digital memorial at the entrance of the memorial room.

The memorial stars are available to the public by way of an $1800 donation to the MHM.

Digital memorial

Register your loved one’s name in our digital memorial.

Your dedication will appear on the digital memorial within our new memorial room, as well as on our website.

The project has given me the opportunity to memorialise Maria, Ruth’s mother, in a meaningful way. I know that the star I have donated – and the memory of her name – will exist in perpetuity.”

Tamar Paluch Ben Zeev
The Memorial Room is a small project located within the new Melbourne Holocaust Museum designed by KTA. Its purpose, to allow visitors to pay their respect to the victims of the Holocaust and their families who settled in Melbourne after the war; whose families emerged from the shadows of darkness and gave birth to a community; and to collectively remember, but more importantly, never forget.
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