Learning programs

School programs
Holocaust lessons for younger minds.
Our school programs are designed to share the lessons of the Holocaust powerfully – and safely. Guided by our child safety commitment and the MHM Learning Framework, we deliver these lessons through:
Primary historical records (testimonies and artefacts from our Holocaust survivors).
Personalised history with storytelling.
Immersive learning experiences grounded in pedagogical practice.
All our programs are age-specific, with different learning experiences designed for primary schools (Years 5 and 6) and secondary schools (Years 7 to 12).
For educators: Find out more about our teacher professional learning program here.

Tertiary program
Inspire empathy and critical thinking.
Engage your tertiary students in a Holocaust education program, so they can explore history and human rights in more depth.
Our educators can work with you to design a bespoke learning experience, covering areas and topics to suit your requirements.
Where possible, your students will also get to meet a survivor.
Available onsite or online.

Adult program
Explore the impact of human behaviours.
Our adult education programs are tailored to your group or organisation’s specific interests and objectives.
You get to explore the experience of Holocaust survivors, and learn about the impact our behaviour has on the people around us.
You’ll also receive a guided tour of our Everybody Had a Name exhibition – and, when possible, meet a survivor.

Connecting with Jewish identity
Explore the impact of human behaviours.
The MHM’s Holckner Family Bnei Mitzvah program will help those undergoing their Bnei Mitzvah connect with the Holocaust – and reflect on their Jewish identity.
This program includes a guided experience of the Hidden exhibition and an activity that explores the significance of becoming Bnei Mitzvah.