
Please review the following materials ahead of your visit to MHM to ensure your students get the most out of the experience.

Please don’t hesitate to contact education@mhm.org.au with any further questions you have about the below resources.

Books and film guides

Please download our free teacher resources to use in your classroom prior to attending your excursion.

Book guide: Year Levels 5 to 8
Our recommended list of Holocaust books and memoirs that are suitable for ages 10 and above.
Book guide: Year Levels 9 to 12
Our recommended list of Holocaust books and memoirs that are suitable for ages 14 and above.
Film guide
Our recommended list of historical films and documentaries about Holocaust survivors and eyewitnesses.
Jojo Rabbit
Despite its comedic approach, Jojo Rabbit is an excellent film that explores many themes about the Holocaust. Suitable for Year 9 and above.

The FUSE resources on the DET website are extensive and include 11 prepared History lessons and 20 prepared English lessons to teach the Holocaust.


Access the resources via this link.

More Information

Educators Hub

We’re here to empower educators to deliver Holocaust learning experiences meaningfully – and safely.  

From professional development to school programs to free educational materials, we can support your teaching journey in multiple ways.   

Our child safety commitment

At the MHM, we are committed to providing a child-safe environment. We support and respect all children and young people – and their safety and wellbeing are our priority.  

Our practices are inspired by Holocaust victim Henryk Goldszmit, who published the ‘Declaration of Children’s Rights’ in 1928 under the pen name Janusz Korczak.  

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